Back home from NC. I got super sick after the family reunion and have been throwing up with fever and vertigo ever since. Made the flight home really fun. Ugh.
This is Bump the frog. He lives with my grandpa. I miss him. When I was feeling my worst, Mike would take me out in the yard to watch Bump awhile and I felt better. I found a
luna moth as well and wore him on my shirt for awhile.
I missed seeing my friend Traci, who I haven't seen in 7 years. As we were leaving to meet her, I threw up all over the bathroom wall and they wouldn't let me leave. I feel like such a jackass. We only just found one another again and I have no idea when I'll be able to return.
Ramble ramble. I barely post here anymore. Most of my inane chatter happens on facebook or wow. Find me there.