Apr 07, 2005 00:59
Currently Reading - still reading David Copperfield. Am determined to finish it in between writing my BA. Also started Arnold Weinstein's A Scream Goes Through The House: What Literature Teaches Us About Life (more on that later)
Currently Obsessed with - my BA
Currently Craving - Korean food... again
Number of people met who gloated over completion of respective BA - 2
I just spent the last five minutes calculating Liverpool's chances of making it to the European Cup Final, and if that happens, whether they would face AC Milan.
C'mon, wouldn't that be the DREAM MATCH?
Of course, given my lack of knowledge about probability, statistics, and the odds, I was not able to figure out how the semi-final draws would look like.
But, if I were to take heed of Han Solo's classic line, "Don't tell me the odds!" I shouldn't worry about Liverpool's prospects for European Glory.
[Since 2 days ago, I have been furiously checking back at soccernet.com. I'm even now contemplating changing my Safari homepage back to it, instead of the more sombre nytimes. BUT I realise I have an image to upkeep.]
Okay, so here's to keeping my finger's (and toes) crossed for a Liverpool-Milan European Cup Final.
The things I would do if that were to happen. Oh my, May is going to be such a great month. My best May yet, I predict. Let's see, my last Star Wars film comes out. And it's looking good. All that bada** lightsabre duels....my goodness. My friend A tells me that the comic novels for the film are out at 57th St Books already. I have to, ahem, draw on the *force* just so I won't cave and buy it to read for spoilers.
Star Wars, and (albeit, premature) Liverpool glory. Coupled (or should it be tripled, oh, I don't know) with no more BA to write, May is going to be something wonderful. I can feel it. Even the weather's letting up a bit. Today, you could walk around in flipflops and no one would think that you're demented.
La di la di la di la.