Nov 18, 2004 15:13
I was looking through my favorites list last night and i realized i forgot all about this journal. its beenlike 6 months since ive updated. shit is still the same except for the fact that like almost everyone i liked at work quit thanks guys! put my OC letter in a couple of weeks ago , i still have to talk to Tim again to see whats up with that. hopefully i get it so i can get the hell out of booth so i can get a way from andre with a good reason god i hate that guy.
Finals are comming up soon thank good i get a break. i thnk im taking like 19 units next semester tahats gonna be fucking crazy! Bio/Bio Lab Physics and lab Organic Chemisry and lab History of the us since 1865, calculus( Fuck!!). thats all thats going on with me really . Oh! my marching band kicks ass this year, they are fucking awsome. i think alot of it has to do with my best friends amanda being drum major she is awsome and fucking rocks at getting shit together for the band. weve won like 15 1st place trophies this season and we still have like 2 or 3 more competitions. thats all there is to me same ol same ol shit.