Jul 12, 2005 19:01
yaa so its been awhile since ive updated as usual soo let's see..... friday was my 18th birthday! i went out to eat w/the family that night @ PF Changs and as usual the food was awesome. the waiter even bought me free dessert cuz he liked my family so much! after that i hung out w/jackie rich n matt for a while n that was fun. Saturday was the most crazy/hectic day ever b/c we were soo busy gettin ready for my grad party. everything went pretty smooth except for the fact that the margarita machine never showed up :/ cuz of a double booking. the whole family was here setting up. everything looked really nice w/all the black and gold. lots of family came, my parents friends whom half of i didnt know, and lots of my friends. thanks again to all of u who came b/c it meant alot. everyone enjoyed the food to b/c it wasnt the traditional mostacolli and chicken... instead it was mexican food which was awesome! the DJ came and he did a good job too. alot of people stayed late and drank. the ones who didnt stay left around 1. 20 people spent the night and that was a perfect number cuz i was like out of pillows and blankets lol. i think everyone had a good time tho cuz alcohol was unlimited basically lol. i got about 4 hours of sleep that night b/c ryan kept talking! lol
(click... beer can opening) me: ryan put that beer away, shut and go to sleep!
ryan: its not beer, its..... mountain dew.
me: ohh... wait i didnt have mountain dew at my party.
ryan: its..... DIET mountain dew
Katie: Im hungry! im gunna eat my chips (crunch, crunch) lmao
its finally all quiet......
me: ryan, when can we contact the ghosts in ur house? lol
in the dark....
katie: y are u standing? sit down and go to bed!
ryan: i dont want to sit or lay.. i want to stand! lol
upstairs in my room.....
me: hey girls do any of u need anything else?
jess n sarah: no
(emma's passed out)
jackie (w/a huge smile): yaaaa..... another Bud light! lmao
we woke up the next morning and just talked and ate some panera that my mom bought. fran and brandy were the last to leave and they helped me clean up which i really appreciated! after everyone left i helped my rents clean up.... cleaning up was a bitch! there were soo many empties! we had almost 3 full bags of empties and one was from in the basement alone. can't believe how much everyone drank... guess when its free u better drink as much as u can lol. after cleaning up i took a long nap. after that i woke up, got ready, n went to laurens grad party. stayed there for a while. everyone that was there was basically the same ones who spent the night at mine and well.... they were all pretty damn tired, sick, and hungover looking lol. i left lauren's and then allison picked me up. we went to max and erma's cuz she was hungry and stopped by brad's for a few to catch some of the aviator on the way home. i came home and layed out everything i needed for CP. Monday morning i woke up at 5:45 (yaa thats a record for me) and showered and got ready. alicia picked me up @ 6:30. from there we stopped at dunkin donuts and then met norina and michelle up at michelle's. from there we went to anne's and met up the rest of the girls. we were on the road around 7:30ish. we did pretty good the whole ride there and only got lost once in downtown toledo but luckily emily called her dad who directed us outta there. we got to CP around 11:30 and it was busier than we thought. didnt get on that many rides cuz of the lines and cuz we left early. after we left CP we went to Applebee's to eat b/c we were starving and fastfood just wouldnt cut it. damn we waited a long time for our food and we were all tired and starving to death! food finally came and man did we chow down lol. finally after being stuffed we were on our way home. the car ride was fun on the way there and back and we had ourselves a good time. we stopped @ DQ before heading back to anne's and that ice cream was very satisfying! there's soo many funny things that happened in the car ill just name a few though.....
*lauren's pouch!
*leader car lol
*flashing the other car
*me driving the girls in my car nuts (i dont think i did tho)
me: whad u get?
other person: i got blah blah blah....
me: can i try it? hehehe
*alicia scared as hell to go on the dragster... at least she didnt spit on lauren this time lmao