Aug 24, 2004 14:50
Well. Today was the first day that actually felt remotely like college. Vanessa and I agree; the past few days of orientation have been like a summer camp. The teams, the games, the booked schedules... hard to catch a break, but as you can see, I finally have a brief one right now, which is why I decided to sit down and let you all know that yes. I am doing just dandy down here in Irvine, do not panic. (I promise, Mom.) Really looking forward to classes actually starting.
Registration went off without a hitch; my schedule is in my hot little hands and no, I have not bought my books yet, but I've spoken to several people about that and they said it's not a big issue; there's so little time available to get 'em during orientation week that they certainly don't expect you to have them all by the first day. Regardless, it's on my list of things to do soon.
I have signed up for the campus newspaper (The Hilltop Herald), Library Work Study (met with Luanne Brower and had my interview, I like her very much), and a couple of Inreach Bible studies. So there you go. Everyone tells me "get involved!"; I'm getting involved. I think that's the most I can afford to do right now without passing out, thank you very much.
Before registration, I went out with Vanessa, her boyfriend Randy, and Randy's roommate (I forgot his name; kill me) to lunch at Baja Fresh. It was quite fun. Randy has heard of Muse, and informed me that they are playing at Inland Invasion soon, which must be somewhere in Southern California since it's sponsored by KROQ, which means I AM GOING TO IT. Randy's roommate reminds me of Jon Ramierez, only smarter (sorry Jon), and more quick-witted. He told me I was scary because I was quiet (we're the ones you gotta watch out for), but then on the ride back, said I wasn't scary anymore, since I had opened up during the conversation. See, I speak when spoken to. I am not a complete introvert!
Yesterday I carried (alternately) half a couch, half a fishtank, and the heaviest pot in the world up a bunch of hills during the Scavenger Hunt with my team. But WE WON. HAHA. The goal was to get the biggest, most outrageous junk you could find from residents around CUI (not actually from the university, but who live on/around its property). So, we won $50 towards dinner for our team at Huntington Beach tomorrow. (Oh my gosh. Just thinking of being at the beach all day tomorrow makes me so tired. But I'll survive.)
I've met a bunch of interesting people, but things are so chaotic right now I only see them in spurts. But it's cool. Generally I am getting along just fine, walking so much I don't need a PE class (ha, Dad) and coming back to my dorm at night very ready for bed.
One more day of this hecticness and then classes finally start on Thursday. Yay! Oh, that's right - we had exemplary classes yesterday. I went to the Humanities/Fine Arts one, and the professor in charge is completely awesome. He touched upon everything I have always believed about the arts and their relation to spirituality and the human condition in general; the importance of stories and why it's worth studying all these things and how it is hardwired into every human being. I am very glad I am heading in this direction major-wise. It feels very right at this point.
Anyway. I'm ready to hop onto my bed and read some Neverwhere (by Neil Gaiman, excellent book so far!) before 3:30 rolls around and I have to get ready for some more camp-like games with my orientation team... then we go to dinner at a Professor's house (I don't know which, only that he's a math professor). Have no idea when we'll be back; hopefully earlier than the last couple of nights.
But in any case, thazzit for now. Whew. I love ye all.