Aug 31, 2010 14:56
I saw my brother this weekend. I didn't get to hug him enough. He's being well looked after by his friend's parents down in San Clemente, who adore him and consider him their godson, so I don't have to stress about him being too rough on himself outside of the hospital (being the sporty fellow he is). The mom is a retired nurse. She'll see to it he follows orders. ;]
The lady that hit him did stop, so I don't have to hunt anyone down. He did break his right leg, but only the fibula, and it's a completely clean break being held in place by the surrounding muscles, so he doesn't even need a cast. He's a miracle boy, all right. He quipped "I do all my own stunts" and I would've cuffed him upside the head if he didn't still have a (mild) concussion.
Despite my gratitude and relief, I still can't shake the shock from my system, and it's not helped by the news that Luke's dad went to the ER a couple nights back for an emergency surgery on a couple of clogged arteries. D: He, too, shall be miraculously fine but WTF WORLD. GIVE US A BREAK.
Needless to say, Luke and I have both been stressed to high heaven, alternately clinging to each other and raging at stupid things. But we're making it. I'm exhausted. Been reading Notes From the Tilt-A-Whirl by N.D. Wilson and while it might sound dramatic, I credit this book with helping me stay afloat this past week. Really. It couldn't have come along at a more appropriate time in my life. (Sidenote: this is the guy writing The Great Divorce screenplay, which is why I originally picked up the book. Boy, I couldn't be more optimistic for the movie now - provided the studio doesn't meddle too much with whatever this guy cooks up. He GETS IT.)
I've also been reading Mockingjay - finally. So good, so intense. I'll probably finish tonight and be very sad about it. After the next round of fiction I've got lined up, I think I might actually re-read the first two Hunger Games books... that's how much this last one is getting to me. Awesome stuff. Argh, sci-fi, you're still my one true love: especially when you come with slightly-unhinged female heroines of the kickass variety.
Anyway. Oh life. Let me submit to some comfort food and good books. No better medicine.
cs lewis,