I am tired (coffee!brain is telling me WHAT? YOU FEEL GREAT! - ilu, coffee), and trying to remember what it was like to crave sleep but I can't because lately sleep has been MY ENEMY. It turns a fairly tolerable chest cold into A DEMON OUT FOR MY DESTRUCTION. EVERY NIGHT.
Kickboxing tonight? Ahahahaha I'm gonna die.
IN BETTER NEWS (sorry coffee!brain also types in caps), Luke and I have been working very hard on his federal job application, and even though these things are so precarious and dependant upon so many factors magically falling into place,
I am optimistic. I truly feel like there is no fathomable reason he wouldn't be put on a Best Qualified cert. He is OVER-qualified for this position. If it doesn't work out, it will pretty much be because God Hath Deemed It So and we'll suck it up, but oh my frelling word I hope it works because I want out of here so. bad. guys. So bad.
The gist of the sitch is that TSA is looking for a crapload of Inspectors nationwide, so Luke can apply for like 15 locations and 15 different versions of this position at once (which we're totally doing), and the vacancies will be gradually filled through December. We're going to be applying for several Colorado locations, a couple of Northern California ones, and whatever else strikes our fancy when the time finally comes to submit this frelling thing. The rest is in the hands of fate.
Anyway, I've also been working a lot on creative projects lately (okay, so shhh it's really a wannabe novel but that sounds so damn pretentious to say - "I'm working on a novel!" *CRINGE* - so "creative project" is the code word, roll with me here). One of my friends from back home who is a brilliant artist and storyboarder has also been trying her hand at some original writing lately, so she asked to start up a mini bi-weekly writing workshop with me through email - we basically just send chunks of whatever we've been working on lately for critique, and while this makes me SO NERVOUS because I AM INSECURE ABOUT NOT-FINAL DRAFTS, it is honestly so good for me. And it forces me to be disciplined and not slack off for weeks at a time. Maybe I will actually make some progress on this thing!
The non-stop reading I've been doing helps a lot - I literally have a book with me everywhere I go - in the elevator at work, walking to the car, shopping at Trader Joe's, buying coffee. It's a little bit of portable therapy.
Anyway, somehow in the midst of all this GOAL-ORIENTED LIFE stuff I have still found time to game (thank the Lord) although it has been sporadic. I'm nearing the end of Chapter 10 in FFXIII, about to fight Fang's Eidolon. I love this game. I'm so glad I'm taking it slow. It's quite like curling up with a good long book every night right before bed. Fang, Lightning, and Sazh stand out as my favorite characters at this point; I love that Fang is an optimistic badass because really? We have far too many of the emo kind. Lightning is more sullen but still doesn't have time for self-pity and is open to learning from other people, which makes her awesome in my book. And Sazh? Besides the chocobo in his hair which makes me think of Sokka-bird in mine, he's got the best backstory out of all of them, and boasts probably the best voice actor, too. He's the most believable character, which is hilarious to say about a dude who is a walking stereotype on first glance. But there you have it.
I shall conclude this very odd and rambly post by saying I am absolutely beside myself waiting for
Red Dead Redemption to come out. Listen, I understand if you don't give a rip about videogames: but do you like Westerns? Have you ever wanted to just wander around in one and do whatever comes to mind? Catch a wild horse and make it your best friend? Ride it for hours at sunset along picturesque terrain?
(Okay, so you already know what I'm planning to do...) Rockstar Games is the studio behind this - yes, the fellas who made Grand Theft Auto I-IV. And whatever you think about those games, understand that they (especially the fourth) are the most meticulous open-world/sandbox games ever created and those gameplay mechanics applied to a Western setting = SIGN ME UP WHY DID THIS TAKE SO LONG, INDUSTRY? It looks incredible in every way, and you can tell Rockstar really freaking believes in their product because they can't stop coming out with featurettes and articles and tons of material explaining all the crap you can do in their game and how complex it is and how hard they worked on it to be the ULTIMATE WESTERN EXPERIENCE and how awesome their title character is and that he's actually got a story to tell you and and what the heck I don't have time for games like this to take over my life BUT I WILL MAKE TIME.
Just a little bit excited. A little bit.
This post brought to you by Peet's coffee (BLACK) and chewable Vitamin C.