I don't like me when I'm angry.

Mar 31, 2010 22:03

The timing could not have been better for Luke and I to start this madhouse fitness routine (*wheezes*), because work is making me into an angry person ALL THE TIME and if I did not have an outlet for all that 5:30PM rage I'd probably be taking it out on Luke and the parrot, and they don't deserve it. They're too cute.

If you're wondering what happened to that job search I was all gung-ho about a month or two back, well, we've been doing a lot of thinking about the future and it's led to some oddball plans.

For awhile now, we've discussed moving out of California. Not ASAP, just as an ultimate goal - something to work toward. Before we even started having conversations about it with friends and family, Colorado stood out as the ideal option, and since then it's stuck in our minds like glue. Every month or so this notion seems to be reinforced. This month, it's by the fact that our pastor and his wife (an amazing, kickass young couple) are seriously contemplating moving out there too - even peeking at listings, though an actual move for them would also be pretty far off.

The simple fact of the matter is that Orange County is suffocating; Southern California in general is suffocating. It is not the same place it was when I was a kid. The quality of living has gone down the toilet, rent has gone sky-high, the sheer amount of people crowding the streets and polluting the air make it so you can't think straight, the job competition is outrageous, and the general attitude is "let me step on you on my way to making another dollar." Luke and I were not made for this kind of lifestyle, and we want out. Unsurprisingly, we're not the only ones.

So the tentative plan right now is to hang tight at our jobs (unless something liberating comes along; I'm still looking), pay off Luke's car by the end of this year, and then start putting away money for moving expenses and a downpayment on a place.

It feels crazy but it also feels so very sane. Doing a lot of praying about it because the last thing I want to do is move somewhere on impulse, but whatever happens, we're gonna be ready.

Stepping aside from life drama for a moment - I have been rediscovering Madeleine L'Engle and MY LORD do I love this woman. She's one of those authors I cycle back to once every few years, and since she's written so much I can always manage to find something new to read I never got around to before. The Austin Family Chronicles were recently reissued with gorgeous new paperback editions; once I finish my re-read of the Time Quintet I will be buying them all, whee! Even the simplest of her books are layered in such effortless ways. She marries science, faith, and the cosmos like no other writer, and her characters are so real and familiar (yet they always have something new to tell me, the older I get). In the middle of A Wind in the Door right now and omg Proginoskes, can you be my friend too?

If you've never read A Wrinkle in Time before you really owe it to yourself. Plus, they're finally making it into an actual movie! Pray it doesn't suck.

Aight, I'm off to get my arse whooped by Bartandelus in FFXIII. Yes, yes, I'm still playing it. I could not marathon a game like this even if I wanted to. ;P

Weeeekeend hurry up.

reading, l'engle, i am a ninja, life, final fantasy xiii, work

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