Icon meme!

Jun 18, 2009 13:17

Because it's an abnormally slow work day, and I've been meaning to give this one a go.

Thanks gega_cai!

1. Comment that you'd like to play and I will pick four of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

batman / beyond by toketsupuurin. Ah, this show. I remember looking at my brother one Saturday morning all "who is this punky teen upstart backed by a nu-metal soundtrack gettin' all up in my B:TAS?" Because of course, I was that articulate at age 12. Oh me of little faith - I did not know then that Timm/Dini were still the minds behind it all. Once I got a load of old, crotchety Bruce (still voiced by the grand Kevin Conroy) hiding up in his mansion all f'd up and darker than ever, I was sold. I love this universe. It is my "future-Batman" canon. For serious.

misc / equus by whokilleddafrog. You know how most pre-teen girls go through a "horse" phase? Well, I never grew out of mine. They are some of the most beautiful creatures on the planet; I never got to be around them as much as I wanted, much less have easy riding access, but maybe one day that'll change. Regardless: Walter Farley, Marguerite Henry - these were the voices of my early adolescence. The Black is still a dream to me. I still intend to visit Chincoteague Island on the last Thursday of July, some distant year in the future. My screenname, equustel, is a nod to this life-long love. Thus the icon.

matrix / real world trinity by sanguinet. Some specific people on my f-list will need no explanation for this one. The Matrix remains one of my biggest love-affairs in the wide world of genre film. The meta this series unleashed was EPIC. I thought it, I wrote it, I read it - I couldn't get enough. My comment prompts on LJ - "unbalance me" and "x anomalies" - are straight from that time period. And Trinity. Oh, Trinity. She is so fierce and real and wonderful - a leather-clad sci-fi femme with class to spare. Plus, Carrie-Anne Moss? Much like Claudia Black, she is my kind of gorgeous.

x-files / quintessential m&s by mscreations. Mulder and Scully will always occupy the same little corner in my heart. Every time I put on an X-Files episode it's like revisiting old friends, and the beautiful complexities of the M/S relationship will never cease to be compelling to me. I love this icon because it's so expressive of all the nostalgia and wonder I associate with this series, and especially with these characters.

memes, fandom, x-files, animation, batman, matrix

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