asdflkajsf. Star Trek WON SO MUCH. And I am not even close to being a Trekkie, dudes. Which, yeah, puts me pretty much in the target audience for this new one but SERIOUSLY. It was so... FARSCAPIAN. I kind of couldn't get over some core resemblances. Scapers, tell me you know what I'm talking about. (Once you see it, of course.)
Whole cast = win, but Chris Pine as Kirk was the husband and I's favorite. I have never liked a jerkwad quite so much. Next came Quinto/Spock, and then CHEKOV. "I CAN DO ZAT!" Plus, time quandaries and black holes! Um duh, I'm kind of easy when it comes to that stuff.
To cap off the night of sci-fi love, I came home to
four glorious minutes of Terminator Salvation, featuring footage I haven't seen five dozen times already, and oh. Guys, I really can't imagine not being a geek. It is so wonderful. What do non-geeks do with themselves?