Mar 31, 2009 09:33
Today at lunch, I shall pick up the 10th Anniversary Blu-ray edition of one of my favorite films of all-time, The Matrix. And, yeah, a lot of people would cite this as their favorite film of all-time (or at least one of them) - but for me, it always went a bit further than that. (What, me? Taking things too far? ;P) I have so much history with this movie that it boggles my frelling mind it's now ten. years. old. WHUT.
I've had the itch to rewatch it for a long time now, but I've been holding off until it came out on Blu-ray today because I wanted to re-experience it in as much glory as possible. Someday, I will shell out for the sequels on Blu-ray too, because guess what - I didn't hate them! I know, blasphemous right? ;) But for now, I shall be content with the original. And to be completely honest, as much as I am an advocate of all the wonderful ideas and themes present in the seqs, there is a magic to this first film that is all its own, and can't be duplicated. Neo, Trinity, Morpheus? I miss you guys. Let's have dinner tonight, y/y?
In other news: how in the bleep is Saturday already sold out at Comic-Con? Damn. You know, it's no good living so close to San Diego, cos I always get lazy and assume that since I can just drive down there whenever, I don't need to bother planning too much out in advance. Ali, you dunce. This is why you haven't ever gone before. *facepalm*
I think I might still try going Friday or Sunday - I wish they'd release the schedule earlier so I'd know what's up and when. It'd go a long way toward convincing my tetchy husband, who's in denial about his geek tendencies, even though he is obsessed with video games and owns like 200+ DVDs (OF THE GEEKTACULAR KIND). Silly creature.
things of win,