What I did on my daughter's spring break

Apr 02, 2008 13:08

This week is Gillian's spring break, which translates to more effort on my part because I have more entertainment requirements than usual. I also have an unexpected work project to complete this week, and rt_hon_rackman is still doing his Bataan Work March, so Team Parent is still undermanned (albeit sufficiently womanned). However, the kids and I have managed to do some fun activities and projects.

Gillian wanted to make a desert garden, so we got a pot, sand, soil, rocks, and some cute cacti and succulents. She will probably assemble that today. We've done a lot of work in the regular garden, and used up plenty of sidewalk chalk. We have camped on the back patio, played with friends, had movie night with popcorn, completed a project to decorate a stool for Gillian's room with paint and stamps, and visited the library twice.

This morning was our second trip to the library, and we went to see a special event. They had a juggler there, who was quite hot in a lithe, goofy, California-blonde sort of way (I thought of you, vito_excalibur). He had a charmingly goofy incompetence, and I'm not sure how much of that was part of the act and how much was genuine goofy incompetence. I doubt he will ever set the juggling world on fire (except by accident), but he was funny and the kids loved him. Kids drop things all the time, so someone who mostly doesn't drop things seems quite accomplished to them.

Part of the way through, the act took an odd detour. He put on a bowler hat and glove and danced to Michael Jackson's Billie Jean. All the moms in the audience immediately started experiencing the show on a whole other level. Watching a hot guy grab his crotch and dance suggestively was both extremely enjoyable and somewhat disorienting, because one doesn't usually take one's small children to watch a strip show. It brightened my day up, though, I can tell you.

Now I've got more work to do while Elliot naps, and later I'll have to come up with some more activities for the week. Perhaps there will be Greek wrestling at the botanical gardens. I'll have to look into it.

elliot, rackman, childrearing, life, gillian

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