X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Jul 11, 2010 13:07

I often want to post reviews of movies and books here, and then don't get around to it. But I'm putting my foot down. And I'm putting it down right in some X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

This movie is big, and it is bad. But my primary feeling after watching it was, "Well, that was a movie." I found it strangely unmoving. It wasn't bad enough to be really funny, or to raise strong feelings of aversion. Sure, it totally retconned the Wolverine story as shown in the X-Men movies, but hey, I put up with that in fanfic if the results are good. In this case, they weren't. I wasn't interested, or invested.

I loved Hugh Jackman's Wolverine in the X-men movies; particularly in the first movie, he was like sex with blades on. They managed to remove all of that mystery and magnetism from his character, leaving a good-looking, boring shell. Gambit should have been a charming bright spot, but he just wasn't all that fun. The Black Character got killed, natch. And despite my expectations, which were formed by this clip, Wolverine in 30 seconds, after the first three minutes there wasn't even that much screaming.

To sum up: meh.

Addendum: I looked through my icons for a suitable movie icon, and didn't find one. I'm just going to use whichever icon sums up the movie. In this case, I need a drink.)


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