To Whom It May Concern

May 15, 2009 10:20

I will state, for the record, that this was Cally's idea. It is her opinion that we need to release stress, and that this "blogging" will somehow achieve that. "Blogging" sounds like something Vila would do while intoxicated, and was no doubt coined by someone of his intelligence and literary taste.

(And there will be a record. Computers, like the people who create them, are fallible. Both will let you down and betray you when you need them most. Computers are merely more predictable, less irrational, and generally quieter, which is why I infinitely prefer them. But for those who know their secrets, they will open themselves like starving prostitutes. This I know. So to those Federation lackeys who will no doubt hack this eventually, I will save you the trouble of gleaning information subtly rendered in this document. I, Kerr Avon, am a part of the rebel alliance, and a spy. I have cheated, lied, schemed, and murdered, and I will likely do so again. If I don't personally end you -- and considering our leadership, that is unlikely -- I can take pleasure in the certainty that one of your confederates will stab you in the back.)

It is fortunate for her scheme that Cally suggested it. If Blake had wanted it, I would have had to refuse on principle. As he is in love with his own principles, he should understand. I judge it likely that he will read this. If so, you get what you deserve. Especially if you read Vila's. I could almost respect you for your deviousness and lies, but your sanctimony spares me from that effort.

How refreshing this is. I can feel the stress melting away. I have nearly forgotten that we are wanted criminals being hunted by the entire Federation. I would thank you here, Cally, but I know you will not read it. This makes you both better and worse than our fearless leader. I cannot decide who is more worthy of contempt, so I will choose Blake, by default. He tries to get us killed more often.

avon, guest speaker, tv, blake's 7

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