Late night, early morning, false alarm

Apr 07, 2009 21:59

Last night, Elliot fell and bumped his head on the tile floor. He cried for a while, then seemed fine. Around midnight he woke up crying and said his head hurt and he felt sick to his stomach. So we said "yikes" and I took him to the emergency room, after consulting with his pediatrician's triage nurse.

Once we got to the emergency room, he became perfectly fine. I stayed just to be sure. Elliot seemed happy as a clam, playing as though it was broad daylight. I killed some time talking to a nice couple while we waited. Six hours later, the doctor looked him over and said, "Yup, he's fine."

We're both some sleepy mamma jammas, let me tell you.

Added: My spouse is awesome for coming home early so I could sleep.

suck, elliot

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