I am a parent of a child in the Florida public school system, and I am appalled that the elected officials of this state are considering more cuts to education spending. Florida lags behind almost every other state in our nation in funding per student. Our children deserve better.
When I moved here with my family, I was concerned about the quality of the schools, but I was pleasantly surprised by my daughter’s Kindergarten experience at Jane Doe Elementary. She had an excellent teacher, supported by other excellent teachers in the areas of art, science, computers, P.E., music, and drama. This year we were rezoned, and she is having another good year with a terrific teacher at New Elementary. Unfortunately, Jane Doe's budget has been slashed, and it has lost programs that my daughter enjoyed just last year. New is brand new, so it has many resources other schools lack, but still our art room stands empty, our brand-new computer lab goes unused. Next year will be worse if you don’t take a stand in Tallahassee.
Why must there be this drain, this waste of resources? I realize that there are other programs to fund in the state, but education is of tantamount importance. Funding education will eventually reduce spending in other areas, such as police and prisons, and allow our state to compete better for business by creating an able, intelligent workforce. The benefits of education don’t appear immediately, but you are smart enough to understand the long-term ramifications of giving our children proper schooling. That should be the top priority of any state official.
It is incredible to me that because Florida isn’t spending enough, we are not eligible for stimulus money from the federal government. Our children are doubly deprived. Considering the state of our economy, the houses sitting empty, don’t you think it would be in the interest of the state to attract people with our educational system instead of repel them? Attract federal money instead of leaving it to other states?
Scour the budget. Stop giving tax breaks and handouts to businesses that aren’t bringing any benefit to the state or its people. Tax gas, tax bottled water, tax those who damage our fragile environment. Monitor the use of state money and stop waste. DO SOMETHING. Do your job. Find the funding. Our children are not your budgetary buffer. If their welfare is not your main concern, this state is doomed.
Go to Tallahassee and vote to support education.