I spent the better part of the day running receipts through an Excel spreadsheet to help me with the GST claims for the bowling alley. I've got that done at last, but I'm going to take the slacker route for the farm's GST report. Last spring, I was actually keeping up with my purchases, entering them into the computer as I bought things. As the move-date loomed closer though, things started getting too hectic and I'd just put the receipts into envelopes sorted by month, with the idea that I'd go through them and run them through the computer once I had time. That's the trick, finding the time. Meanwhile, I've got data for the first three months on 2008, and that's enough to get a refund rather than having to pay any GST from the farm. I'm entitled to a lot more, but thankfully I've got four years to get that taken care of. Just have to make sure I actually do it, instead of procrastinating for another four years.
We moved the horses back to their original places this morning. Dirk and Charles seemed to be getting along fairly well, now that Dirk has finally figured out that Charles is not a mare. Bonnie, on the other hoof, was still aggressively attacking PoohBear, which is why we decided to move everyone back. No one seemed to mind, except Poohbear! I have to wonder if the little twit is a masochist or something. Despite having Bonnie constantly attacking and savaging him, he was going berserk when we took her away and put Dirk back in her place. He's calmed down now, but all morning long he was whinnying and calling for her. Crazy little horse...
trixstir should be home shortly, and I'll have to find out how her day went. She had a birthday party at the bowling alley with 13 kids!!! Depending on how well behaved they were, she'll either be fairly relaxed, or totally frazzled. %)