As I mentioned in the last entry, I finally found a video with some information about sharpening hoof knives using a buffing wheel. I remember doing this during my weekend course on hoof-trimming that I took at Old's college several years ago, but I couldn't remember exactly how we did it. Unfortunately, we only spent a few minutes on the procedure, compared to the three days of training on the actually trimming procedures. I've been keeping my knives as sharp as I can with a sharpening tool, but this is so much better.
Click to view
The author of the video also provided a list of the materials and equipment he used:
"I'd order the following (i'm giving you the current Enco item numbers. Baldor Buffer (#619-2890 $141.98); 6" x 1/2" Muslin Cushion Sewn Buffer Wheel (#619-0132 $7.74); Scotchbrite Wheel 6" x 1/2" (#619-0693, $30.98); and polishing compound for muslin wheel (Emery #891-5177 $5.61; Jeweler's Rouge #891-5181 $9.06). That should bring you grand total for everything to: $195.37 before shipping (which can sometimes be free depending on what their promotion is. Good Luck!"
It looks like the stuff is still available from
Enco, though the prices are slighter higher now. When I'm in Calgary next month, I will have to check some of the farrier supply stores there to see if they have the machine. I need some new knives and a new nipper anyway (and a new back to go along with the tools!)