Happy First Birthday, Elizabeth!

Sep 22, 2013 21:52

It's hard to believe that it was one year ago today that I was rushing Trixstir to the hospital because the baby suddenly decided it was time to come, ready or not!

We definitely were not ready for her sudden arrival, and her actual birth in the driveway of the Shaunavon Hospital is one for the record books. She gave us quite a scare at first; she wasn't moving or crying, though she perked up pretty quickly once we got everyone into the ER and stabilized. A year later, and she's considerably bigger and stronger than The Munchkin was at one year old. She's not quite walking yet, though she crawls at warp-speed and is pulling herself up on things, so I fully expect she'll be walking before Christmas, and then she'll really by a force to reckon with! :)

We get constant compliments on how adorable she is, and how well behaved. She rarely cries or fusses in public, and I can only hope that this trend continues as she gets older. She is also far more of a "cuddler" than her sister, and will sit happily in your lap or otherwise cuddled whereas The Munchkin likes to be out and about on her own feet. This may change once she learns to walk, but I suspect she will always be the cuddlier of the two. My biggest worry for her at the moment is that she seems a bit too chubby in my non-medically-trained opinion; but she's going for a check-up on Tuesday, so we'll see what the doctor says then.

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family, via ljapp, birthday

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