Things have not slowed down at the shop at all this summer; equipment continues to come in on a regular basis, the U-Haul side of things is steady, and I continue to struggle to keep up with it all. I picked up another 16 clip-boards in Swift Current on the weekend because I've run out of free ones again. The trouble is the the current "job wall" only has room for 16 boards, and I've got about 4x that many!
I did take a weekend off last weekend to accompany
Trixstir and the kids to her mom's farm to celebrate her 70th birthday with the rest of the family. I haven't been out there for about two years, so it was nice to get the chance, even if it was a quick 2-day excursion. Would have been nicer if the incredible roast-beef supper my brother-in-law prepared hadn't given me a bad case of gut-rot, but it was good otherwise. I'm wondering if there isn't some spice or other ingredient used in "restaurant style" roast beef that disagrees with me so badly. The last time I had a severe case of gut-rot was also after eating roast-beef at a restaurant.
Town property taxes are due at the end of this month, and I am struggling to juggle the accounts so I don't have to beg for more money to be able to cover everything. Trixstir gets paid on Friday, but that's too late for some of the bills. Her job at the hospital might (we hope) turn into a full-time permanent position, and if that happens we are going to have to consider selling the bowling alley. It's just too much to be running two businesses, and the farm, and hold down a full-time job to boot.
The representative from the bowling supply company has not returned my emails, nor called since July 02. The lanes were supposed to have been upgraded by now, but now it's too late as the season is about to start, and since we're contemplating selling the place now, I don't think I want to spend the money anymore. October 18 will be our five-year anniversary of running it, but I suspect it will also be the last. I don't know if anyone will buy it as or for a bowling alley, or if they'll just gut the interior and use it as a commercial building. It has a new roof and new furnace, and having 3-Phase power makes it desirable for heavy business. I said when we first bought the place that "I would rather try and fail, than to never try at all and always wonder 'what if?'..." I hate the idea of "giving up", but we just don't have the time and resources to continue at this pace. Something has got to give...
Trixstir and I will be headed to Calgary for the long-weekend; it's still going to be a fairly short trip (heading back on Wednesday) but I hope to get a chance to meet up with some friends that I missed the last couple of trips.
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