Mar 09, 2005 18:14
I called Nancy back.
Apparently last night, Joli and Muffet's blankets did not get put on; I had assumed that when I asked Jamie to finish blanketing that I had gotten out all of the final blankets. Unfortunately, Muffet's blanket was still in the feed room and Joli's was in the front of the trailer. In my rush, I had not noted either blanket.
When I called Nancy back, she seemed confused as to why I was apologizing and said, "Well, I don't know why Jamie called you, but next time, just let me know if you're in a rush and I'll finish things up outside. Oh, and the breeches I got for you, I'm giving them to Tracey tomorrow, so you'll have them when you drive up on Friday."
Well. I was expecting a reprimand; after all, my carelessness could have made a horse sick. I felt terrible when I checked my messages (Jamie had left me a message at 8:00 this morning) and I had cried in the car on my way out to Tracey's to drop off my entry form. Oh geez, and it didn't help that everyone who was there packing for all the horses shipping up tomorrow played a joke ("Hey, I talked to Nancy this morning, she was saying what a terrible employee you are and how you're irresponsible, etc.") until I almost cried. C'mon guys, we all know how I get with horses and doing what's asked of me!
I rode Charlie yesterday, and aside from him considering one of the shiney panel jumps someone just bought and stacked outside the ring the spookiest thing on earth, he did his hunter thing quite well. It's hard to get him relaxed and not rolling on his forehand but to keep his head low. It's almost as if I just need to be constantly stretching him down like we've done after a lot of work with dressage. Our canter transitions were utterly rancid. He refuses to "go quietly" when the canter is involved, and he really has gotten to be a brat. I don't like how Caroline rides him on the flat, but I can't say much because I can't afford to lease the bugger, only try and put him back together every few weeks.
Tracey asked me to ride Charlie in one Sales class (not Caroline, which surprised me, because the past few weeks she's been telling Caroline how well she rides him) and Stormy in the other Sales class. I was quite flattered, actually. I'm a bit concerned about Stormy, though, because martingales aren't permitted in under saddle classes and you can't use any contact with her mouth to slow her because of her abuse days, though I've done pretty successfully on her. If it goes horrendously well, perhaps I'll get to jump after all.
Lark is back on his feed. I've never been so happy to see a horse eat in my entire life. Ah, I love him, he's such a ghangsta Appaloosa.