Oct 20, 2007 23:07
It all Culminated last week on a bike ride.
I was less than a mile from the house when I came across a phone box. Definitely one of the termination points between my house and the exchange.
This box was more or less destroyed, obviously by a tractor. The final straw was that AT&T/SBC had been out here and covered the wire core with a garbage bag and zip tied that on rather than I dunno, ACTUALLY FUCKING FIXING THE BOX!!
And if there was any doubt that this was not Joe blow the tractor driver who damaged it I found line noise tool (a tool only a network engineer or phone line repairman would have) that obviously was left behind by mistake.
We have friends 20 minutes away with a fucking cable modem for fucks sake and could have DSL OR WIFI as well yet none of this is available here.
For the second time in 2 years I politely emailed my state representative and this time brought to her attention the state of affairs with the unkempt condition of this box as well as the lack of availability of any broadband service. I'm sick to death of this high latency severely capped 2-way satellite crap.
How the fuck can a place not 30 minutes from the state capital not have any form of broadband available in 2007?