Dec 13, 2005 11:01
I just had an interesting and irritating discussion with a person I have known for 10 years or so.
Long story short his roommate had some visitors recently and his opinion of them was low so he did his best to ignore them. Then he went on to say they probably did the same to him.
My response was that they probably did and that he was good at holding a grudge and nurturing it.
His was to wish me luck and that he wouldn't be talking to me anymore and that I was off his icq list.
I had to laugh at the immaturity of this man. I have been walking on eggshells around him for some time because of this kind of behavior. Anytime I talked to him I knew that the wrong thing said could get this kind of reaction and it finally happened. He had to hear a bit of truth that wasn't even harsh and he couldn't handle it.
My answer to him deleting me off his icq? Do likewise and set his number to my ignored list.
I have better things to do than live with his drama or anyone's for that matter anymore.
Grow the fuck up people.