There was one instance on Ep.2 of Frozen Planet, in the Freeze Frame section, where the cameraman was filming the (criminal!) penguins and the sky is turning a peculiar shade of rainbow, with ominous, terrible 'crashing' noise in the background from the wind. It's one of those hurricane force blizzards that the penguins were shown trapped in, and could very much kill the cameramen in a flash.
"This is kind of what we're warned about by the guy who was here before," he said. "If you see sky like this, you should run for home.
"But of course we're going to stay and film it, 'cause we're the BBC."
The way he said it made it a bit of a cute moment, it was funny, and sort of makes you think 'man those guys in the political news department have it EASY'.
But I'm kind of wondering what happened to that whole section in the Discovery broadcast. Did they dub the British gentlemen over too or did they cut out the entire freeze frame section altogether? If the first, HOW COULD THEY, if the second, that's a shame, the freeze frame sections have some of the most heartwarming footage in the entire documentary. And since this is Frozen Planet we're talking about, that's really a lot of heartwarming.
P.S. Mr. Donlan is now officially the nicest person in Gunnerkrigg court. Finally, an adult person who doesn't tell Annie that she's Surma 2.0!
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