Survay time!

Dec 23, 2005 03:34

Hey it's been a while since I've done one of these, let me know if you actually read through it all, i'll give you some candy. *wink

Different and difference.
I see: Pink borders on my moniter.
I need: Nothing at the moment.
I find: What ever i'm looking for in time.
I want: To have it all and still be happy.
I have: Time on my hands.
I wish: For world peace via enlightenment.
I love: God, (then in alphebetical order) Atom, Brian ,Derrick, Don, Kim, My parrents and siblings, and myself.
I hate: Selfishness.
I miss: The good old days.
I fear: Nothing unless fear is chemically induced (natural or otherwise).
I feel: Content.
I hear: My giant fucking case fan/room fan blowing it's everloving heart out.
I smell: The old familier smell, faintly remembered. Kim, you know the one.
I crave: Knowledge, love, status, and snack food from time to time.
I search: Online with skynet.
I wonder: Where we all will be in 10 years.
I regret: Only the mistakes I haven't learned from.

When was the last time you ...

Smiled?: Just a little bit ago.
Laughed?: Out loud? Probably bout an hour ago?
Cried?: Hmm....couple months or so.
Bought something?: I did most of my Christmas shopping at around 4:00 pm today.
Danced?: I danced some last night, but even though it felt great, my insecurity about my crappy dance skillz made me cuz myself off after no more then a few seconds.
Were sarcastic?: Poker tonight.
Kissed someone?: The party last friday.
Talked to an ex?: 5 hours ago.
Watched your favorite movie?: Um....favorite is a very circemstantial I'll just put 'unsure'.
Had a nightmare?: It's been a long time and I don't really keep any track of that sort of thing.

A Last time for everything ...

Last book you read: Cover to cover? The wheel of time.
Last movie you saw: I'm pretty sure it was Donnie Darko.
Last song you heard: Thugs Mansion
Last thing you had to drink: Water.
Last time you showered: Yesturday after I got back from snowboarding.
Last thing you ate: A taco.

Do You ...

Smoke?: Yes.
Do drugs?: Yes.
Have sex?: Yes.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: No. Whichever way it was ment.
Live in the moment?: Um...yeah, nothing like existing in the 3rd dimention.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Never have.
Play an instrument?: I play a few.
Believe there is life on other planets?: Eventually there will be if there is not already.
Remember your first love?: Yes.
Still love him/her?: Yes. heh, 10000 bucks says i can still say that the day i die
Read the newspaper?: What's a newspaper?
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Not really.
Believe in miracles?: God works in mysterious ways.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yes, but sometimes forever only lasts a day.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: I try as hard as I possibly can. It's a large part of my personal religion.
Consider love a mistake?: I haven't figured that one out yet.
Like the taste of alcohol?: I like the taste of many beverages containing alcohol, but not so much the more pure forms of it.
Have a favorite candy?: Its gotta be Bonez. Thoes are the SHIT!
Believe in astrology?: I don't know enough about it to make an assersion.
Believe in magic?: I don't know enough about it to make an assersion.
Believe in God?: Yes.
Pray?: Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second.
Go to church?: I love church. I don't go to a building designated for such practice, but I have church as often as I can.
Have any secrets?: Yes. None that are secret from everyone however.
Have any pets: No.
Do well in school?: Did well when I tried, but never really felt that push to actually....try....
Go to or plan to go to college?: Eventually.
Have a major?: I'd probably pick some computer science sort of field.
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: You mean respond to porn silitations? Only to try to annoy them as much as they annoy me.
Wear hats?: I wear one for work and sometimes when it's cold.
Have any piercings?: Never have.
Have any tattoos?: No.
Hate yourself?: No.
Have an obsession?: I'm slitely obsessive/compulsive. Slitely.
Have a secret crush?: Yes.
Do they know yet?: I told her a long time ago, but I don't think she remembers.
Collect anything?: Memories.
Have a best friend?: I have a few at the moment.
Wish on stars?: SARS?
Like your handwriting?: Nope, but paper and pen skills arn't required that much any more.
Have any bad habits?: Yes.
Care about looks?: I feel it's important.
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: People need to be able to take care of themselfs before they can take on a sigifigant other.
Friends and other people?: Sometimes it is much harder to speak with the lady folk standing next to St. Dorkus Melorkus.
Believe in witches?: Yes, but only because of Derrick's Mom.
Believe in Satan?: Yes.
Believe in ghosts?: Stranger things have happened.
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