Name: Laura
Age: 21
How long have you been riding for: On and off since I was nine. Regularly every week with the same horse since fifteen.
What discipline do you ride (ie- hunter, or dressage, or pleasure): Definitely hunter.
Riding Strenghts: Don't really know. That's why I'm here, right? I've been told I have soft hands, but I just don't see it. Or, feel it, I guess. And my eye re: distances is pretty good, I suppose.
Riding Weaknesses: Absolutely my back. I was born with a bit of a curved spine so it's hard for me to get my shoulders back and sit straight. Not really an excuse, I know. I should be over it by now, but there you are. My weakness. (one of a few)
Horse in the picture is my boy in every meaning of the word. Except, uh, legal. He's not mine, but I had a big hand in his training (he's eight this year) so, yeah. We're pretty attached. The picture's a few years old, we're jumping 3ft and up now. And I know, the jacket is many sizes too small. Combined with the hunched back, it's quite a look, don't you think? ;p