Jan 26, 2007 16:45
I have been up since 7:45am Thursday morning (it is now 4:45pm Friday). Why? You may ask. I had to get up that early on thursday to make it to my class. Then last night me, Ashley, Lindsey, and a girl in our reproduction class we didn't know had "foal watch" at the vet clinic that our teacher is a vet at. Basically we stayed at the clinic and watched the mares on monitor's to see if they foaled and if they needed help we would call the vet. We got there at 8pm last night and stayed until 6:15 this morning. I tried sleeping one time, but I couldn't. We brought DVD's to watch on my laptop. It was fun, but no mares foaled. Then today I had classes from 8am until 3pm then I had to help set up for the tack swap. I am going to try to take a little nap after I post this. I'm not really tired right now though. In my last class, it was like I was dreaming because I was trying so hard to stay awake, but I did take notes! I have to work tomorrow and sunday at MWSS and a few hours at the tack swap after I get off of work. Off to try to sleep a little!