Aug 22, 2006 10:55
Seriously...fuck it. I shouldn't have taken it in the summer, when the curve is based on 60 smart people (since the dumb ones like me were smarter than I was and dropped). Now I get to retake my first class ever...ugh. .4 points... .4. Oh well. I got credit for the lab, so it could definitely be worse. Maybe now I'll get a kickass grade since there will be 150 people in the class, versus 60.
Home is relaxinggggggg. My parents are in Florida for the funeral, so it's just me, the bro, and the doggies. I'm seeing people who I haven't seen in FOREVER and that makes me very happy :). Back to those awkward classmate run-ins at the grocery store though...haha. Went to the beach yesterday...mmm. It's finally summer! I've been working out and reading for's amazing. Also amazing...CLOUDS!!! YAY!!! And fresh air...air that doesn't smell like piss. Yay. As much as I love living in Seattle, the boonies are my favorite. Driving dark windy roads at night with the music blasting...something I REALLY missed!!! Riding Squawk soon with Kelli! WOO! And stopping by Homestead soon too, once Becca gets home. That should be interesting.