(no subject)

Sep 14, 2005 14:27


Yesterday I was riding Megan's bike from my Animal Behavior class across campus to where my car was parked so I could get to my Horse Lab. I was going pretty fast and making good time when...


No, no. Go ahead, laugh. That's why I'm telling you this. I was full on T-boned by a Grounds and Maintenance golf cart. My front tire went under the golf cart (and is consequently bent up pretty badly), and due to the sudden stop in momentum, I was ejected from my bike and landed comfortably (not) on the cement. Stop for a minute and picture this in your mind. I don't want you to lose any of the humor in this.

Don't worry, I'm ok.

I scraped up my elbow a little and tore up my left leg pretty bad. I have a gigantic scrape on the inside of my thigh (which I noticed because of the GIANT GAPING HOLE in my pants).

The driver FREAKS out, but I assure him I'm ok. He calls the police because it was a University owned vehicle. The police show up and do a police report so I can get school to pay for the fixed bike (and I think I'm gonna make them pay for a replacement pair of pants as well! They were totally my favorite pants).

So then the police asks me "So who's fault would you say this was?"

"Neither," I reply. "We were both coming around from behind a car and didn't even see eachother until after it happened."

"Actually..." says the police, "It's your fault. It's illigal to ride your bike on the sidewalk on campus. I could issue you a citation... But I won't."

"WELL GEE THANKS, MR. OFFICER!!!!1" I exclaim.

Just kidding. I just kinda mumbled something about "Oh, I didn't even know that..."

The golf cart driver drove me and my bike back to my dorm then gave me a lift out to my car because he felt so bad, so it was fun to ride in a golf cart again... no extreme offroading this time, heh heh heh.

And now, a

for your enjoyment.
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