Feronia! update

Jan 01, 2014 12:10

People ask occasionally, so sure, why not?

I'm turning 50 this year, and things are changing. I'm not taking riding so seriously and mostly want to have fun with the little golden mare. There are ongoing soundness issues -- hers and mine -- managed primarily by throwing money at them (and I am very lucky to be able to do this.)

We trail ride, we've stuck our toes (hooves?) in the world of "versatility challenges" (basically indoor trail) and judged trail rides, I've ridden her on the beach, I have galloped her in the snow -- OMG THAT WAS FUN!!! -- and so forth. I still take dressage lessons, though from a different trainer, one who doesn't make me cry.

Somewhere along the way, I realized that she's actually a very safe horse. She's quite predictable, her antics are less dramatic, and she's just enough of a challenge. She's more looky than spooky these days, and a good "babysitter" for nervous horses.

I take her places. She's come to like the trailer because it means we're going somewhere interesting. People come up to us all the time and I give them my little spiel about how wonderful Morgans are :)

It's not at all where I thought we'd end up, after almost 6 years, but I am not complaining.

I'm pretty serious about safety during hunting season:

My favorite winter view:

And we recently jumped teeny-tiny crossrails, which both of us enjoyed quite a lot:

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personal: horse update, love my horse!

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