This is a shameless brag, so you'll have to excuse the ego. I'm just feeling pretty proud of myself!
In February of this year, I broke my right leg in a riding accident. After emergency surgery, I found myself on the long road to recovery. As long time members may remember (I've been lurking more than posting lately), I'm an endurance rider. This accident, combined with the fact that my own horse can't hold up to more than LD's any more, pretty much wiped me off the endurance riding map.
But that all changed this month!
A friend of mine gave my name to a semi-local endurance rider who has more horses than she can physically compete by herself. More importantly, all her horses are FEI horses and need to meet rigorous criteria to keep their FEI statuses.
And so, I found myself entered in the Mustang Memorial 50, an FEI* event, exactly nine months post-op. I'll admit that I was pretty nervous. I hadn't done a 50 since I got hurt and the pressure was on for a lot of reasons. Still, I was up front with the horse's owner and she decided to take a chance on me.
Well, long story short, I did it! We rode a blazing fast 50, with a total ride time of 4h13m (fast!) In fact, we went fast enough to tie for first place!! I would certainly call it a comeback! The horse was incredible and I had the time of my life along the way.
It has been a hard year in many ways, but this was a good note to end the season on!
Full story here.