Sep 19, 2013 19:21
Something I was thinking about as I changed out bits for Ruby, my husband's Belgian mare, was the curb strap. Now I guess technically since it is on a snaffle bit it should be called a chin strap I stead, but I think that's more a matter of semantics.
Those unfamiliar and wondering why a curb chain would be on a snaffle (i.e. non-leverage) bit, on Western-style bridles you typically do not have a cavesson so to prevent the bit from sliding through a gaping horse's mouth you put a chin/curb strap on to help stabilize the bit position. And really, even if the horse isn't gaping and you are using your hands poorly you can drag the bit through.
Anyway! My thoughts wandered to where the strap should be placed relative to the reins. I have seen it both ways with the reins in front of the strap or behind the strap. What do you do? What have you heard about the benefits and drawbacks of each position?
My personal logic is that when the strap is on a curb/leverage bit it is positioned behind the point the reins are so I place my reins in front of the strap. My other reason is that I have experienced some rather mouthy horses who will work the strap into their mouth.
I have a friend who is also a trainer and she prefers to have the reins behind the curb strap. Her reasoning is that she doesn't want the rein action to be interrupted by the strap. This also makes sense, bit I don't know how much of a difference it really makes.
So again, dear Equestrians, what are your thoughts and opinions on this?
tack question,
tack & equipment: misc.,
tack: bits