Lifestyles of the Golden and Black

Jan 08, 2013 07:50

Hey all, I haven't posted here in for-EVAR, but I finally wanted to share some things that have been going on for me with my horses.

As I've posted before, my Haflinger, Mitch was a working man before I got him. He was a carriage horse and pulled wedding carriages (and wagons in a team of 4.) I met his former owners in 2009, and they are really wonderful people. I keep them up to date on his progress. WEell, to make a long story short, in August, I ended up getting a harness for Mitch after 4 years of owning him. He's got wonderful training in the cart, it's what he grew up doing and what he does best. And I figured why not, why not use his talents and versitility as a "rides and drives" because I've put so much work into him as a riding horse, I like having an all-rounder in him.

So here's a flashback of his previous life:

I started working with him in harness a little through August and September which consisted of ground driving him, my barn owner lent us a jog cart and then the harness breastcollar broke (thankfully before he was hitched to anything) and that put our driving work on hold. Then in October, I had an accident (non-horse related, which involved the wooden stairs and sock-covered feet in my house) which left me with back and rib pain and riding was on hold for me. So back to the harness we went. I bought him a new harness, and we got to work with the jog cart. It's been loads of fun driving him. My parents got us an easy entry cart for Christmas, and he loves pulling it. He feels so confident and sure of himself, more than he does under saddle, and our relationship is really improving, even after almost 5 years of owning him. I hope to start riding him again, but now I'll be able to alternate between driving him in the cart and riding him. It's going to be fun!

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And ... I rode yesterday for the first time in 70 days! My little black mare, Jet, went lame in May. No heat in her hooves, no reaction to the farrier's hoof testers. The vet was pretty baffled, but he had me put her on "pen" rest. She's been pretty much out of work since May, I've ponied her off Mitch and handwalked her, but nothing strenuous. She's sound and happy again, so I put her (much lighter) western saddle on, and took her for a 10 minute walk. We're both really out of shape, so we bth have to take it slow.

Looking forward to the rest of 2013, and what it'll bring me being around my two wonderful hayburners.

personal: riding update, personal: horse update, driving

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