New Horse Update

Jun 27, 2012 17:14

Hey there, fellow equestrians!  I just wanted to do a drive-by update regarding my new TB, Aiden.  He was a New Holland find that I initially posted about a few weeks ago.  We've been working 3-4 times a week - either flatting or going out for 2-hour trail rides.  It's only been on the past couple rides that I've started asking him to do more than just the straightforward stuff (a little bit of bending here and there, moving off my leg, dropping his head to accept the bit so he doesn't look like a friggin GIRAFFE).  He's been a rockstar so far and I'm super happy with him.  Was hoping to do a rinky dink school show on Sunday but plans have probably fallen through with my ride.  Next time, I guess :)

Anyway, tomorrow is our one-month anniversary so I took some pictures after our ride today and ended up getting some side-by-sides of Day One (left) and Day Thirty (right).  I think that he's starting to muscle up some (but that could just be my subconscious making it up!).

I know they're not awesome conformation shots, that's not really what I was going for, but if anyone sees anything that they think I should work on in terms of conditioning or anything blatantly like "OMG THAT'S NOT RIGHT!!" I'd love any feedback.  Thanks guys!  Ride on  B)

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