Anyone that has had an anxiety with riding, when did you get over it? I didn't think I would ever fully, completely get over it. I got more confident, more comfortable, less scared, but for years there was always this little nagging feeling somewhere that I just could not kick.
And then I went riding day before yesterday. I went to go take Sky out into the arena. Now, the barn where I ride is under sort of construction right now, all the fencing is kinda jumbled, because the barn owner is in the middle of trying to create new pastures/arenas/areas and nothings really where it's supposed to be yet.
So to get to the biggest riding space, we have to go through a pasture, that at the moment housed a huuuuuuge TB gelding. So sky and I went and rode around for a while, did pretty well, and then I went to go bring her back, and on the way through the pasture with the gelding, he comes up and starts messing with her. He keeps cutting us off, sticking his nose under her and just being really, really obnoxious. Everytime we try and walk away he follows, and cuts us off. I hear the Barn own yell that he's coming, and I hear him say that Sky went into heat the other day.
And I'm like "Oh CRAP."
So this gelding is seriously huge, and I can tell he's getting ready to hop up on so I bop him in the nose. Doesn't deter him in the least bit. BO finally makes it over, and he's waving his arms and hat in the air and yelling at the gelding to git and he freaks out and falls into Sky and I. And you kow what she did?
Nothing. She flicked her ears back and side stepped, out of the way and we walk off.
And the most amazing part of the whole thing? Sometime in the middle of this absolutey terrifying predicament, my anxiety just disapeared. I was calm, and collected.
I went out again yesterday, and it was awesome. Ive never felt so connected with my horse, and felt so at ease in the saddle. My fear and anxiety is gone. GONE. I feel so free. I had so much fun riding yesterday, which is something I haven't been able to say with 100% truth in YEARS.
Tell me, those of you that have conquered riding anxiety issues, when did it happen for you?
And to those that still have it, it WILL go away one day. And it will be amazing.
Aaaand so this isn't just a huge wall of text, here's a pic of Sky getting ready for her a photoshoot. She made a beautiful unicorn :3