I'm toying with the idea of changing the barn I ride at. I love the barn I'm currently at but there are a few niggly problems there but I'm having a hard time of getting into the mindset of actually making the change and I need to make sure I'm not overreacting to something experienced horsepeople would consider small.
the story )
I'm in Scotland and an indoor school is definitely a good thing! And as others have said, if you don't feel your instructor is really helping you then it's not worth staying with them.
And yes for indoors!
Oh and thank you, you've reminded me I have to go on book BHS exams *grumble grumble* (Am I a hypocrite or what? ;D)
Also just reading through the post again, to the OP, if your instructor wants to put you on horse you don't feel comfortable on, and that you can't stop (!) say no, that your happy on the horse your on at the moment.
As other people have said, go and watch! See if you can join a lesson at the level you're at, or have a private lesson.
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