Several very varied questions...

Nov 03, 2009 11:46

Hi guys!

I'm also writing a horse-based novel for my NaNo this year, and have a couple questions for you all.

First, tell me about how you got involved in your discipline, whether you started as a kid or later in life. My novel is focused on dressage in particular, but any stories are great! I'd especially love to hear about any showing you did as a youth/young adult, and how you got started showing-- were you riding your own horse? Did you lease?

Then, tell me about your biggest 'aha!' moments on your horses. Interpret that however you want.

Also, does anyone have any insight on international shipping? Particularly for showing in a foreign country, but any comments about how shipping a horse across international borders would work is fantastic, especially across oceans, etc. My only experience is with taking a horse to Canada, which is across a bridge for me.

And any other great anecdotes you have with your horses, of any kind, would be awesome.

For Londoners and people in the London area, can you tell me a little bit about your understanding about how the 2012 Olympics are going to affect the city? I have the plans for the Olympic stadium, etc, but how will transportation work? What is the city like in the area closest to the action? Anything you think might be helpful.

As an aside, thanks everyone who commented on my last post about my struggles with my hands! I've been trying to incorporate suggestions into my rides, and have really noticed a difference. It'll still take practice, but everyone was so helpful.

dressage, creative writing/literature/poetry, olympics

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