Aug 09, 2009 18:12
Here in Alberta, Canada, we've had some pretty devastating storms of late. Sunday night, in our area, we had a terrific hail storm. Fortunately my horse and his herd survived with only a few scratches, but others did not. People lost horses who panicked in continual sheet lightning and horrific hail. Not horse related but to show how bad it was they reckon 5million in damage to houses in our small town alone.
Today Dave - the barn owner - and I took two horses and went searching for his missing steers. As we did, in fairly wild country, we came across a dead donkey and found an injured horse. This horse had obviously got totally wrapped up in barbed wire. I don't think I have ever seen a horse so damned pleased to see people. He wasn't hungry but he was thirsty and the flies were bugging his thousands (not exaggerating) of cuts. he had one really bad one on his chest. Dave got on his cell to his wife who starts ringing around. Meanwhile I pony the horse back. Such an amenable guy he was. We treat his really bad cut and spray the rest with antisceptic and finally find his owner.
I really want to stomp my feet here. Once the owner knew she dove in her car to come over to her horse but why oh why weren't you searching for this horse days ago after the storm? As soon as it was light me and the dh got in our car and came down to see my horse. Sod the house, it was battered but still standing. Not to blow any trumpets, but shouldn't that be your first thought? The house was insured, so - whatever. I couldn't believe it when we found this horse today. True, he was in a wild area, true you couldn't see him unless you climbed a darned great hill, but why hadn't he been searched for? He has a massive bruise on his nose where no doubt he went down, tangled in wire. How he survived, God only knows, but bless him, he did. His back legs are a road map of scars, his neck, his nose, his chest. Mainly superficial, thank God, but still, the wound on his chest, which should have been stitched, it is too late for that now, and while it isn't Dave or my responsibility, he was ready to call a vet at his own expense for someone else's horse. Where were you, madam owner?
Anyway, rant over. I was proud of my boy who hadn't ponied another horse before and did a great job over bad and boggy ground. The little grey quarter horse was a trooper, until the cheeky bugger bit Merlin's bum but I'll forgive him. We got back in one piece.
natural disasters