
Mar 21, 2009 16:43

Well, I've caught a lot of flak in a very short period of time here. I'll address that now.

Yes, I am here specifically to promote my views because I'm trying to make a living doing this by building a reputation. I'm sorry if that's so resented, but we all have to live and I'm trying to do it by doing something I love. I don't think I'm excessively advertising, and I'm certainly not outright advertising. I did read the guidelines, and if from time to time I've strayed to their edges it's because there are an excessive number of them. That anyone should be expected to remember all of them is unrealistic. All of my posts have been relevant to the topic of horsemanship and presented in a way that I thought would be educational to anyone interested to read them. This is not just my "personal training blog", as someone accused me of. I don't mind disagreement, but I'm getting a lot of personal ire that I think is undeserved.

If what I have to say is not appreciated, then I'll leave. In fact I think that's a good idea. I think that as a professional trainer, posting in an online forum opens me up to too much drama and it can get personal too easily. This won't help my career, so I'm going to bow out now.

Candidly, I think that part of the reason I'm getting resentment here is because I'm young and male. Some of you ladies don't want to hear advice from a man, particularly one who suggests you might have done something wrong. Even though, I haven't gone after anyone personally. I've only spoken out against stud chains, etc from my own personal experience and I stand by that.

Everything I've posted in this community has been done with unimpeachable class, courtesy and professionalism. If I'm going to catch hell because I'm presenting myself as knowledgeable, then I bid you all good day. At the end of the day, your opinions of me don't really matter anyway because when it comes to horses I get results. Particularly since none of ya'll are actually paying me.

If anyone feels like following me to my own personal blog, I would welcome it and thank you.

Chuck McDonald
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