Photos :)

Feb 16, 2009 19:23

I am very sadly moving out of state and have to say goodbye to the mare I have been leasing for almost a year. She has been so wonderful, very kind but with enough opinions that I never got bored riding her. She kept me on my toes without ever making me nervous. Just the other day, we were on our way back to the barn; we had to ride down a very quiet road. Out of nowhere a dog come running up, hackles raised, growling and barking loudly. Libby, the mare I lease, and Friday, my friend Cindy's horse, just stood there so quietly. Meanwhile, Cindy and I were yelling at the dog (it kept charging at Libby, getting within a foot or two of her at times) and trying to scare it away. Throughout all this--it was probably a solid 5-10 minutes before the owner came and got the dog--, Libby had no more than an annoyed (because the dog was delaying her journey back to the barn!) look on her face, never tensed up or spooked. What a great trail horse she is. Anyway, I am going to miss her terribly, and my friend has been coming to the barn with me to take photos of us; here are some of this beautiful mare for your viewing pleasure!

many photos; don't click if you have a slow connection :)

It was getting dark quickly, so the fading light presented a challenge on the "action" shots. Also, Libby and I had a "real" ride earlier that day, and she was a bit disgruntled about the idea of being made to "work" again :)

oh btw she is a 14 year old Tennessee Walking horse

night riding, photos, love my horse!

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