Draw reins

Jan 11, 2009 16:41

Several people at my stable use draw reins for both schooling and hacking. Curious to hear your views on this.

(I do not use them myself and don't think they would be a good idea for my particular horse.)

training gadgets

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12to15steps January 11 2009, 16:47:22 UTC
Like any piece of tack, it's only as good or bad as the rider attached to it.


skitty_kitty January 11 2009, 16:55:25 UTC
Ditto, though I dunno why you'd use them if you're just hacking around and not schooling. Although I associate hacking with being outside and just doodling around.


thelitas January 11 2009, 17:07:25 UTC
Thirded. It depends on the horse and depends on how well the rider knows how to use the equipment. For hacking (again, taking it as going out on trails, riding in fields, going around in the arena without a specific training purpose, etc) there's probably no reason to use them.


skyringer January 11 2009, 17:12:52 UTC
Fourthed; I've seen many a good horse ruined by an idiot who doesn't know how to use them properly...

Or flip. That's always fun. -_-


skitty_kitty January 11 2009, 17:22:11 UTC
Maybe the flipping will weed out the idiot riders?

Not likely, the world isn't that fair, but I can hope. ;)


skyringer January 11 2009, 18:38:53 UTC
Ugh, one could only hope. I just remember seeing someone either get mad at a horse or ask for a flex that makes rollkur look western pleasure and the horse slung his head down and everything else just kinda followed in this slow-mo circle flip thing. It was a bit ridiculous after everyone's heart stopped powering the country.


xihateyourx January 12 2009, 00:19:09 UTC
we can only hope!


12to15steps January 11 2009, 17:15:18 UTC
I know people who use them out hacking wild youngsters who are concerned about whoability. I don't do it myself, but I can understand it.

Sweet icon :)


skitty_kitty January 11 2009, 17:17:12 UTC
Thank ya. :D


regentlion January 12 2009, 18:58:53 UTC
I have done this. With my trainer's EXPLICIT command to "WEAR DRAW REINS." He's not big on training aids such as this but in the specific circumstance, they kept the horse focused and responding.... versus bolting and bucking.


hagazusa January 11 2009, 19:15:34 UTC
Some people say they school while they hack. Some people don't have arenas, etc. At our yard, there are days we can't get in the arena because it's being used for lessons. And some people like to hack out in an outline. I don't, but some people do. My schooling while hacking consists of using leg yield to move my pony over so cars can pass safely, basic stuff like that. Generally we just get out and have fun.


skitty_kitty January 11 2009, 19:34:39 UTC
I think that's just a difference in our ideas of what constitutes hacking. ;) Schooling is schooling, for me, no matter where you are, and hacking's just letting the horse exercise without having to be in much of a frame, etc.


offside_element January 11 2009, 17:24:32 UTC
Agreed - they're used in polo all the time and it's really not an issue (unless, of course, as you said you get people who don't know what they're doing attached to them :/).


hagazusa January 11 2009, 18:01:58 UTC
Omg, common sense! :)


12to15steps January 11 2009, 19:02:42 UTC
Just how I roll. :)


sm923 January 11 2009, 18:04:12 UTC
I agree.


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