EZ boots- a product review.

Oct 24, 2008 17:26

Okay. I know I’m not the only one around here who uses Easy Boots on their horses.

Some background:
When I took my horses barefoot my trimmer advised me to purchase Easy Boots for the two horses if they were doing trail work and for the pony if he was feeling any stress from hard surfaces. Well, the horses both needed boots and the pony did not.I did some research into boots before deciding on Easy Boots. There were a few negative reviews for them but for the most part the reviews were positive. In Australia they have to import them from the US which really drives up the price. They were NOT cheap. We’re talking $110 per boot.

For a while it was all fine. I do a bit of trail riding but it’s not usually on hard surfaces. We’re talking grass and maybe dirt/clay and the very rare road. I’m in the arena more than I trail ride. But recently, with three sound horses and friends who want to ride out too, I’ve been doing more trail stuff. And the boots are NOT the best.

Riding my 24 year old at a trot along the grass the Easy Boot flew off. Seriously. I was told that these boots were incredibly durable and yet first time at more than a walk the front one flew off and broke. So I called out my Trimmer and he re-fitted it and sent it to be fixed. Fine.

Then, last week my mare and I went down to the cross country course for some jumping. The boots were dreadful. First off, they were far too clumpy for jumping and made it incredibly strange. Second, at a collected canter one of the front ones flew off and broke in the same way the other boot did. I am NOT impressed. The boots are still under warranty but seriously. They have not been used for long at all and already they are falling apart!

I did a little more internet research and found out that this is quite common with these boots. Then I borrowed a friend’s Old Mac’s. They were much better. I am going to buy a pair at Christmas time definitely.

I’m posting this both as a product review and a warning. Has anyone else had this experience with Easy Boots and for those of you who are considering buying hoof boots- give this brand a miss!

Lexie in the EZ boots before they broke. Yeah. She's in the Jenny Craig paddock right now.

tack & equipment: misc., buyer beware, hoof boots (old macs/ez boots/etc)

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