First off.. I am soon going into Equine Massage Therapy.. why am I telling you this? Because I could really use your help. Do any of you wonderful people know where I can purchase anatomy models, equine muscle posters, charts, etc.. that aren't too expensive [as I have to put $800 into the program just to get started]..? Any help would be wonderful. =)
And for your help... I am posting a few photos from way back in the day... Old photos I came across through old files.. mainly auction pics:
Bayou and Pueblo at the auction.. both were saved, gained weight/health and were adopted to new homes.
Deciding who to save... Cedar was the lucky choice that day... she has her butt to Jill in this photo.
Looking at Elko at the auction
Bidding on Cedar
Bidding on Elko
Loading Cedar
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Charlotte's Arrival [RIP]
Charlotte after she gained health [RIP]
Old picture of Cabo [RIP]
Leading horses to a new life
Everyone loves Rescued Horses
Ottawa and Georgia kiss
Spur-Strap and Curry Comb
And Little Ferdinand.. Can you guess who hes named after? [We also have goats: Exceller, John Henry, Alydar, Slew [Seattle Slew], and a Barbaro].