[Flash][RPG] In Her Majesty's Service

Jun 12, 2014 19:00

In Her Majesty's Service - How Will You Serve?

View at Deviantart

;D A Flash animation trailer for a MLP tabletop RPG called In Her Majesty's Service.

In Her Majesty's Service is an episodic-type campaign, where the player characters are secret agents of the royal crowns, sent to fight against enemies that are trying to reclaim the power of the sun and moon through ancient arts…but in so doing, may usurp the Princesses' rule of Equestria!

Tl;dr version: Secret spy hijink shenanigans against a backdrop of mad science, magic voodoo, and giant bucking dragons. With ponies. Because ponies are cool. Or at least really freaking cute.

And we would love to have new players! If you're interested in joining, comment/PM here on LJ, via our shiny new Inquiries Form, or via our forum threads here or here. Don't worry if you've never played a tabletop game before - we were all newbies too, and because the campaign is episodic a new character can easily join! Or you can just follow our exploits via all our campaign logs. That's cool too 8D

Also I seriously need to get more MLP LJ icons. I only have a Twilight WTF one. THIS IS A TRAVESTY AND MUST BE FIXED PRONTO *runs off*


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