Somewhat Related: Free Hey Ocean Sampler on Noisetrade!

Dec 08, 2012 22:25

Two posts in one day? It's happening! But this one is fun for everyone!

So I'm browsing Noisetrade (as I am wont to do regularly) and I see that Hey Ocean! is offering a five song sampler from their upcoming album IS for the low low price of zero dollars! You can tip them too if you want (you don't have to), and all the money goes RIGHT TO HEY OCEAN! No crazy royalty fees or junk. Give Ashleigh's band $10, they get $10 and not I dunno, some post royalty/distribution fee of $2.75. If not for the music (which is great btw), think of it as saying thank you for Applejack.

And yes, it is completely legal. No DRM too, so it's cool to take with you on your portable mp3 player or choice (like a Zune or that old-school mp3 player my friend had that could hold 13 songs).

Get it here.


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