Dec 18, 2006 23:12

YAY my power is back on!!!!! and I was even able to tinker with the modem and get my DSL to start working again. I'm so excited. :)

I'm sure I was supposed to learn something profound from this whole experience but mostly I just learned that electricity is the greatest invention ever and that I don't care that I'm totally addicted to it. Also, music is the most wonderful boredom reliever ever.

Better than having the internet/TV/lights back is having the heat back. I don't think I've ever been so cold in my whole life.

I'm just thankful that I/no one I know was hurt (though trees did land on some of my family members houses, but they're physically fine).

The reason my power's been out for what feels like forever:

A tree (which is mostly cleaned up in this pic) fell onto a power pole and then onto a car.

Another toppled tree in my neighborhood.

Now that there's no more storm stressing I just have to spend the next week finishing my HTML classes and power shopping for Christmas presents.


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