Real Life Is A Mixed Bag

Aug 31, 2010 17:29

In crappy news, my cat, Avon, had to be put to sleep last week. Basically, it sucked (understatement) but it was the right decision. :(

Also last week, two of my best friends moved to Africa for the next year. It's super great for them and I hope to get the chance to visit them. I'm gonna miss them like crazy though (thank goodness for instant messaging/email/video chat).

lost_land and teamothers are going well-ish. The non-participants (of which there are too many for my liking) are starting to stress me out but the people who are participating in team comm/challenges are awesome! I'm having a fun time getting to know everyone and seeing the awesome stuff they make. We won our first challenge the other day which was nice. :D

I went to see Rufus Wainwright last week. It was the end of his tour and he let all of his emotions (of which there were many) loose. He sounded beautiful as ever and his sister, Martha, was great too (her Edith Piaf covers were amazing).

I didn't take any of these but I'm glad someone did.

Setlist for the second set and encore. He played (the whole of?) All Days Are Nights: Songs For Lulu as the first set.

So dramatic!

I ♥ everything he wears (even if I think it's ugly).

lostland, concert, !rl, rufus wainwright

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