drabble dump #1

Sep 12, 2012 23:44

just a couple of things that i wrote on twitlonger either to cheer people up or out of sheer boredom. idek what i'm doing with my life ;w; will reply to comments when exams are over and out of my way next thursday \o/

krislay; pg; 262w
for kim_ri as a cheer-up thingy. love you and miss you, katniss ♥

theoretically, yixing isn’t the type of person he’ll list as his ideal type, even if he does fit everything listed on his “characteristics of my perfect wife” list-thingy.

so when lu han peers over wu fan’s shoulder and tells him to save all the pen ink for autographs during their cd-signing events, wu fan blinks at him in confusion.

lu han rolls his eyes and snatches a pencil from wu fan’s pencil case, cancels out the whole list and writes neatly next to it “艺兴”. this results in wu fan sputtering indignantly and almost throwing his notebook at lu han’s stupid face. fans be damned, he’ll look better with a black eye.

yixing blinks at him blankly from across the room and taozi peers over his shoulder and announces, “xing-ge, you’re fan-ge’s ideal type.”

wu fan yanks the notebook away from zitao’s prying eyes and clutches it tightly to his chest. he narrows his eyes and scowls, which leaves zitao squeaking and scrambling off - possibly to get his wushu stick for threatening purposes.

yixing sneaks up on him and pries the notebook away from his chest, his cute dimple appearing as he looks at wu fan’s messy scrawl and lu han’s relatively neater one. he leans down and whispers, “you’re my ideal type too, fan.”

yixing beams at him and trots off to the kitchen, humming 你的世界 under his breath. wu fan sits, dumbfounded, and draws a small heart in pen beside lu han’s words.

perhaps, he’ll spare lu han’s life this time round.


sehan; pg (somewhat); 234w
written for bicheul jie ♥
supposed to be a cheer-up fic thing, but it digressed halfway, because i was thinking of the conversation i had with pillowfrost awhile back, about lu han's family being supposedly unhappy with his career? idk really, but this is the end-result, wilts.

lu han thinks he really shouldn’t be doing this, because he’s the hyung and he’s the one who’s supposed to be righteous and all-knowing.

yet, all this is shoved to the back of his mind as he pushes sehun against the wall and kisses him senseless. sehun seems slightly confused but he kisses back anyway, body relaxing under lu han’s firm grasp as his fingers tug lightly at lu han’s caramel brown strands.

“hyung,” sehun exhales when lu han moves away from his lips to suck marks into his neck. “what’s this about?”

everything, he wants to say, but settles for pulling away from sehun and giving him a tight smile instead. “it’s nothing, I just missed you, sehun-ah,” he answers simply, and is met with delight when sehun just beams back at him without questioning his words.

that’s the thing about sehun that has lu han dreaming about him miles away; sehun believes in giving him space and listening only when lu han wants to share. and right now, lu han just wants distractions, distractions, distractions. maybe this way, he can throw away the pain he keeps buried inside him.

sehun plants a light kiss at the corner of his lips and lu han snaps back to reality, eyes locking with sehun’s.

he sighs. he’s going to need a distraction to distract him from his sehun-filled thoughts when he gets back to china.

p: sehun/luhan, p: kris/lay, fandom: exo, !fanfic, rating: pg

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