Not Quite Narnia

Jun 20, 2012 14:09

Title: Not Quite Narnia
Warnings: WWII era
Characters: Avengers ensemble
Rating: PG
Type: Au
Summery: Its the Second World War and the children are being sent out of the cities for their own safety. Five of these children end up in the same house under the watchful eye of a retired Brigadier


Maria Stark was the one who got him to the train station on time. Howard was too busy inventing new ways for people to kill each other to even notice his son, let alone organize for him to be moved to the country for his safety. So Tony packed his clothes, his set of screwdrivers and his cat, Pepper, and his mother ordered Jarvis to fetch the car.

Steve had his mate Bucky's mum walk him to the station. His own mother was too sick to get out of bed that morning.

Clint and Natasha took themselves; their mothers at work in the factories and their fathers away in the trenches. Natasha had to translate for Clint when they got to the train (she understood sign language).

Bruce was already there. He'd made his way last night to get away from his father when he came home from the pub.

They all had the same destination.


The old house belonged to an elderly soldier and his wife, whose children had all grown up and flown the nest. With an empty home and so many children needing the safety, it seemed only right that the two open their doors to as many young ones as they could.

Brigadier Nicholas Fury was waiting on the platform, the Hackney he'd hired with a coachman at the front of the station. The train was due for eleven-fifteen, and a late luncheon expected at the house.

There were five children that the Furys had taken in, four boys and one girl - the eldest, Anthony, was thirteen and the youngest - the girl (who missus Fury would spoil like anything, to make up for her own lack of a daughter) - Natasha, was seven.

The station clock chimed quarter-past.


They had, by some happy coincidence, all ended up in their same carriage, and being curious by nature - as children are - determined that some how they were all to be staying in the same house. They quickly set about getting to know one another.

It was discovered that Bruce, while mild and quite shy was quite a sharp tack, and wanted to become a doctor.

Steve was small, often ill, and never, ever stood down from a bully.

Clint's parents had been in the circus, but after Clint was born the family moved into the city to provide a stable childhood. That was where he'd met Natasha, whose parents had immigrated just after the Great War.

Tony needn't say anything - his name told all. But he did go into a rather long and exciting tale about how he came to rescue a small ginger fluff of a kitten, which he named pepper-pot, after the tiny thing had gotten into the kitchen cupboards and ended up with pepper up her nose.

There was, of course, more to it than that.


The children and their hosts got along well - despite first impressions where they had all found mister Fury’s missing eye bother quite frightening and fascinating. Neither Nicholas nor Maria was of the coddling nature, but they were kind and warm in their own ways. Nick would tell stories after supper, about the Great War, and his sons Erik and Philip, and after a week or so, hired a tutor for the next few months.

Loki was the adopted son of the Mayor of the nearest village, unable to enlist due to having fallen out of an apple tree as a lad and quite badly broken his leg, so that he had a limp and walked with a cane. Despite this, he had a remarkable hand with the children, and was a fine teacher. The young man attributed it to having raised his own children - who he spoke of fondly.

It seemed to take no time at all before the five youngsters were settled. Then one night, Bruce woke the others with a most awful night terror.


It was Tony who reached Bruce first. Being the two eldest they had their own room together furthest from mister and missus Fury, and so it was Tony who woke Bruce from the nightmare, and held on to him as Bruce thrashed mumbling and crying and asking father to please stop! I'll be good, I promiseand finally waking fully with a shriek.

It didn't take long for Steve to arrive with Clint, and Natasha with mister Fury. In very short order, there was hot coco all 'round and a ridiculous story about Erik Fury when he tried to woo a local girl and made a fool of himself in front of the girl's own father.

Not an hour later and they were all back in bed. Tony, however, as soon as the last candle was blown out, dived from his own bed into Bruce's and curled around his friend.
"I can protect you better from here." he muttered into the pillow, and Bruce smiled into the dark.


The next day was fine and clear, and Loki gave the children the morning off, and so the five of them went rambling on the grounds. They were given a basket for elevenses and all sat under a large oak to eat.
"What were you so scared of?" Natasha asked Bruce, "last night? Even Clint could hear you."
Bruce when red, then white, then curled up on himself,
"It was nothing."
Tony scoffed,
"No it wasn't. You're an awful liar Bruce."
"Please" he whispered "please don't"
Tony pressed close to Bruce and wrapped an arm around his friend's shoulder.
"Why are you so scared of your dad?"
Bruce gasped, and trembled, and tried desperately not to cry, but it didn't take much before he was sobbing into Tony's chest.

When he had calmed, he began to tell about how his father drank; how he blamed Bruce that his mother had died. How his father called him 'monster', and the scars on his back from a broken beer bottle.

By the end of the tale, the other children had all curled around Bruce and hugged him close.

They would be there for him.

That night, Tony offered that Bruce might come and stay with him when they went home. Bruce said he would like that.


Steve once told them that his father had died at war, and mister Fury had patted him on the shoulder and called Steve brave for having taken up looking after his mother.

When the letter came, mister and missus Fury, and the other children all rallied around Steve and said that it was okay to cry, and that they'd be there for him.

Tony said that there was enough space in his house, so Steve could stay with him and Bruce when they went back to the city.


One afternoon, it came about that the weather turned unpleasant and Loki, who had taken the children out for a geometry lesson, suggested that they go back inside and spend the afternoon in the library.

Steve sat in front of the window where the light was best and drew. Natasha and Tony sat with Loki at the card table where Loki taught them poker. Bruce was going through mister Fury's medical books and Clint was stretched out on the hearth rug, napping.

They had already lit lamps, as the sky was dark with heave storm clouds and there was thunder in the distance.

A storm was brewing, and it didn't take even an hour before it was pouring rain. A flash of lighting crossed the sky and not three moments later came an almighty crash of thunder that shook the walls.

Clint, who had been comfortably asleep, woke with a screech, and had his hands over his head. He looked terrified, and Loki hurrying over and took the boy in his arms and rocked him slowly calm.

When Clint’s wails quieted to sobs, Loki looked over to Natasha.
“I was unaware he could hear anything.”
“Only really loud noises.”
“So I gathered. Why did he panic?” Natasha bit her lip,
“I heard mamma talking to missus Barton, and missus Barton said that Clint was too close to a, a faulty firework, the exploded on the ground instead of in the sky and the sound ruined Clint’s ears. He’s got burns on his back too.”
Steve nodded,
“I’ve seen them when he gets dressed.”

Loki stood carefully, with Clint still in his arms.
“Thank you, Natasha. Now I want all of you to get ready for afternoon tea while I master Barton something to relax him.”

That evening, Steve asked Natasha if she could teach him how to sign.


They were studying geography when the maid knocked on the door and informed Loki that his brother was here to see him.

The pointer he was holding fell from his fingers, and the next moment he was running - as best he could - out the door and down the stairs.

“What was that about?” Tony muttered, and then they were all on their feet and following after their tutor.

When the children caught up, they saw Loki holding on to a tall, rugged blond and sobbing.
“I thought you were dead. We were told - we thought you were gone.”
The other man - Loki’s brother - made shushing sounds and stroked Loki’s back.
“We were lost, very lost. But I always thought of you. Its going to be alright now, Loki.”
“Have - have you been home?”
“I went their first, but they told me you had wok up here, so…Oh, who are these youngsters?”
“Brigadier Fury took in a few children from the city. It’s safer for them to be away, what with all the bombing. Children, this is my brother Thor.”
They five made small gestures and smiles. Natasha - once she determined for herself that Thor was safe, waled up to him.
“You’re in the Army?”
“I was; when we finally found our way back to the Allies they let us all return. Honourably discharged. Mostly, I think, because we were so exhausted and unwell they thought we would drop dead right there.”
The children giggled, (though Loki had gone even whiter and pressed even closer to his brother) and Natasha (once she had told Clint what Thor said) had another question to ask>
“Where were you lost then?”
“Somewhere up north. It was cold, and white. Russia, I think. Maybe.”

Loki, then, eager to spend time with his newly found brother, gave the children the rest of the day off and went home.

Russia, Clint signed to Natasha, and the girl grimaced.
Mamma and Papa got out of there. They’re American now.
But hewas part of the…
Was, not is.
Clint took Natasha’s hand and squeezed, then ran off to find the others.

Natasha shivered in the sunlight.



Loki took a week’s leave, so the children were left to their own devices.

Tony found a collection of book on mechanics and devoured them; hiding in his bedroom with only Pepper to keep his company. The others began to wonder why he wouldn’t come and play.

They chose Steve and Bruce to go and coax him out, but when they told him that they were missing him, he gave them the strangest look.
“How do you mean, you’re missing me? I’m still here.”
“Yes, technically” Bruce said “but you’re not spending any time with us. Don’t you want to anymore?”
“Of course I do!” cried Tony, affronted, “I just didn’t realize you…wanted me.”
Steve just grinned
“Sure we do. Come on!”
Bruce on the other hand, was more observant,
“You don’t normally have other people to play with, do you?”
Tony blinked, then looked down and the coverlet of his bed;
“No. No I ‘spose not. Just, I don’t have a brother or sister, and mother’s always busy with the company because Father is helping to invent stuff for the army, and it’s not like they have the time, you know. They have more important things to worry about.” He was almost whispering at the end, and very nearly looked like he was going to cry. Steve and Bruce looked at each other, then at Tony, then went and hugged their friend.
“We don’t have anything more important that our friends” Steve said, “so come out and play with us.”
Tony smiled,
“Okay. Lets do that then.”


The war ended, and the children were put back on the train to the city. Mister and missus Fury and Loki and Thor saw them off at the station.

When they arrived home, it was to find that Clint and Natasha’s mothers were there together waiting for their children. Bruce’s father was nowhere to be seen, so Tony linked arms with him and dragged Bruce over to where his mother and Jarvis were waiting. There was a social worker waiting for Steve, but after Tony asked, Maria Stark had a word and Steve was coming home with them.

The five of them stayed good friend for many years, and would often write to the Furys and Loki about how they were doing.

Bruce, Tony and Steve all went to university to study medicine, mechanics and art. Clint took up archery and even made it into the Olympics one year. Natasha became a dancer, and travelled all over the world.

Once a year, as many of them that could, would take a picnic basket, board a train, and they would have a day out in the countryside.

And they would remember.

writing, avengers

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