Smile, and the World Might Believe You

May 27, 2012 12:00

Title: Smile, and the World Might Believe You
Warnings: discussion of mental disorders and negative allusions
Characters: Tony, Bruce
Rating: PG
Type: Friendship
Summery: Tony has Aspergers, and no one was ever supposed to find out


Maria knew as soon as Anthony was born that something was wrong.
"He looked right through me, Howard. Like I wasn't even there."

He screamed unconsolably whenever they went out, until his parents realised he hated bright lights and crowds.

As he got older it became more evident that something wasn't right. He didn't understand expressions, and had no comprehension of social engagement. He couldn't stand other children, and barely his own parents.

Howard didn't believe that anything could be wrong and was unbendingly stern. Maria tried so hard, but she didn't know what was wrong. Finally she took Tony to a psychologist without telling her husband.

Then another, and another. Not one knew what was wrong, until finally she was referred to Doctor Hans Asperger, who had made a study of such children. It wasn't until 1983 that Tony finally had a name to put to his...condition. His parents had been dead for almost five years.

Not that knowing helped. Tony rejected everything that had to do with the diagnosis. He found alcohol; he discovered that he could fake normal - he was a genius, it wasn't that hard. And if he had a few quirks? Well, he'd had a troubled childhood; his parents had died when he was young. He had more brains than friends growing up.


That didn't mean he had no idea what Aspergers Syndrome was. He just decided to ignore it.

Then Avengers happened.

"I don't play well with others." he said it again and again. Mostly it was just to rub Shield's face in it - that didn't mean that it hadn't hurt. It reminded him of what he was.

'Difficulties in basic elements of social interaction'. That's how Wikipedia put it.

Unable to follow social cues. Interested in a narrow field of topics. One sided conversationalist.

Yeah, didn't play well with others.

Then there was Bruce. Bruce was fascinating.

He liked the same things Tony liked. Tony had his condition, Bruce had the Hulk.

Bruce had access to the lab.

"Tony? These yours?"
Bruce held up an old file that barely held together any more.
Tony went very still; clenched his fist, gritted his teeth.
"Put those back. Now."
Bruce blinked, then seeing Tony's face, put the file down. Tony grabbed it and held it close. Bruce smiled,
"It's okay, Tony."
"Is it?"
"Yeah, it is. You're not the only one; you're not alone. You're no different to what you were before I saw that. You don't need to frightened I'm going to hold it against you."
"My own father held it against me."
"You think I don't know how that feels? I'm still you friend, Tony."
"But, you won't tell anyone?" Bruce smiled and shook his head.
"Not mine to tell."
"When Shield first did their assessment of me they said 'classic Narcissism'. I agreed with them because that was better than the truth."

Bruce placed a hand on Tony's shoulder.
"They don't need to know. It's your business, and you can tell or not tell whoever you like. I didn't mean to see it."
"I know. I was planning to digitise the file."
"Speaking of digital - Steve was asking me if I could teach him how to use the DVD player. And honestly? That...thing that you have is unusable."
"I'm sorry - what? My entertainment system is state of the art!"
"Well, it is artistic..."
Tony started throwing virtual spanners at him, and Bruce laughed.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

writing, avengers

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